«Can’t Stop Loving You» tells the story of an emotional insight with a musical and lyrical tenderness that is entirely new for Fai Baba. Where the songs of «Sad & Horny» still seemed to be lost between the poles of sadness and horniness, the warm energy of «Can’t Stop Loving You» speaks clearly of a new found sense of peace with his environment as well as his music. This new found balance between strength and tenderness is in no small measure due to the fact that Fai Baba has found in drummer and producer Domi Chansorn a creative foil who has brought new dynamic strength to his music as well as massively extended palette of sonic possibilities. Timpani, vibraphone, guitar, drums, bass, bamboo and other flutes, all add to a near-orchestral density of sound. The voice, when it finally appears, hazily seems to conduct a conversation with itself, rendering Baba’s process of self-discovery into music.
The b-side of Fai Baba’s new single, a song called «Golden Fire», continues to set free Fai Baba’s newfound energy. It demonstrates precisely what makes Fai Baba’s music so special. It combines situational dynamics with a supreme confidence in the power of a catchy and ever so slightly «retro» pop song. Here, the listener becomes a spectator in a psychedelic drama as the song unfolds over fully seven minutes and bores its way into layer upon layer of rock as well as other mysterious materials, possibly of extra-terrestrial origin. Sounds trippy? It is. Later in the song we hear leaves rustle – performed by Baba’s shamanic friend in order to drive away the evil spirits.