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It may sound like a joke: two bassists and a drummer write songs. It may sound like a joke but Flimmer are more serious than ever. Reduced from a quintet to a trio they have dropped every unnecessary wheight and are yet heavier then ever. Cynical but fun lyrics about fucking not just the system but the whole solar system. Flimmer offers deep insights of the Swiss mentality, Switzerland being one of the top ranking countrys of suicides. There’s a lot behind that shiny fassade of money and chocolate. When Flimmer say revolution it doesn’t leave behind a mouldy taste of long dead part-time punk attitude they’re more likely to leave you puzzled with a WHAT? expression and a stammering Da Da. Is it Punk or is it Hardcore? It’s definitely sci-fi. No surprise the album being named after the sci-fi classic of the mid 70ies. Flimmer means to flicker, mind the epileptic fit.