«Put The Trash Out» – and surf free wave straight into the studio to play, record, spin and develop those songs you’ve been dreaming of for a long time. That’s exactly what Gess Zinni did after her album «Alles Guet» and the much-acclaimed Taimashoe concert at the Bad Bonn Kilbi 2023. She followed her stunt pop intuition and took her live companions Benjamin Fritz on electronic devices (Noi Noi, Maison Plouk), David Meier on drums (Schnellertollermeier) and Lukas Müller on bass (Fai Baba, among others) along with her.
A lot was incorporated into this play between piano improvisations, noise and pop-sweet-lofi-gospel: song sketches that Gess Zinni wrote for the theatre production «Invited Ghosts» with Phil Hayes, for example, or from her time in New York; also, all the ideas, thoughts, inspirations, invited spirits, such as Joan Didion, Arthur Russel, and Ennio Morricone, as well as the energies that swirled around in the Now-Studio during these one-take sessions and that were more present than ever. Diversity is also evident in the lyrics, which are rich in metaphors about the creative lifestyle and against the structure of life and which have an associative effect.
The combination of restrained melody and heightened atmosphere is familiar to this music.
Sometimes it feels gentle, then it gets loud, as if the band is playing live at your home. Voice, electric toys, bass, beats, strings and drums. A composition that is kept in the air and balanced by its administrators through the simultaneity of their efforts, until it knocks you off the hump and pushes you deep into the ground. The tempo that spans the nine tracks hurries and relaxes, but never overtakes or inflates the vocals.
In «Disorder» Gess Zinni sings «We’ve been buzzing around» – against gravity, against fixed attributions, in favor of the experiment in the pop song. For all the non-evenness, all the wave movements and the rhythmic syllables and fragments that can be heard in «Put the trash out»: these songs translate Gess Zinni’s musical vision directly into the Taimashoe collective. Surf along!